Periodic testing and inspections are an essential part of good business practice and form part of the
Health and Safety at work act 1974. It ensures that staff and/or tenants alike are protected in their working or home
environment from the possibility of electrical failure of apparatus and installations. A program of periodic testing
should form part of a PMP (Planned Maintenance Programme).
British Standard BS 7671 (the IEE Wiring Regulations 17th Edition 2007) requires all installations to be inspected and
tested on a planned basis. The planned basis for commercial and public sector installations is typically between 3 and
5 years, depending on the age of the installation and the condition recorded at the previous inspection.
At Phase we use a modern inspection tracking system that informs our clients of up-and-coming test and inspection dates.
We can tailor this programme for your specific needs. A PMP managed and carried out by Phase can give you peace of mind and
ensure you meet your legal obligations.
A hard copy and email version of your test results is generated when we have completed the tests. This has your company
logo and our governing body, the NICEIC printed on them. We also hold copies of these on our database and issue theme to
you should the need arise.
Phase can provide you with inspections services to cover all your testing needs, including:
Emergency Lighting Periodic Inspections
The emergency lighting British Standard, BS5266 Part 8 recommends monthly and annual tests for the emergency lighting
systems in non-domestic premises. For the most part, the nature of the tests require them to be undertaken by a specialist.
The tests will involve the inspection and testing of emergency luminaries and their standby battery back-up systems,
whether integral within the luminaire(where they will need replacement every 3 to 4 years) or part of a central battery system.
Fire Alarm Periodic Inspections
The fire alarm British Standard BS 5839: part 1:2002 states that: ‘It is essential that fire alarm systems are
subject to periodic inspection and servicing so that unrevealed faults are identified, preventative measures can be taken
to ensure the continued reliability of the system, false alarm problems are identified and suitably addressed, and that
the user is made aware of any changes to the building that affect the protection afforded by the system.
Periodic inspection and servicing needs to be carried out by a competent person with specialist knowledge of fire detection
and alarm systems, including knowledge of the causes of false alarms, sufficient information regarding the system and adequate
access to spares. This will normally be an outside fire alarm servicing organisation.’
The frequency of inspections will be based on the Risk Assessment for the building and it’s use, however, the above
British Standard requires a maximum between inspections of six months. Generally, quarterly inspections will be appropriate
to most installations.
Smoke vent Periodic Inspections
The operation of a Smoke Ventilation system will be via an interface with the fire alarm system and the interface operation
will generally form part of the fire alarm maintenance contract.
If you would like advice on a specific inspection or advice on our testing services we can discuss your needs with you.
Call us on 01732 300340 or email Andy Boakes: andy@phase-electrical-services.com
and we can arrange to come and visit your site. This initial meeting does not incur any costs and will give you an indication
of exactly what services you may need.